
We Make Champions

Chess Academy Summer chess Camp

The Chess Academy uses an augmented summer chess curriculum that challenges each student at all levels of play. Students will compete for Top Knight or Champion in an inter-camp tournament and receive their USCF, United States Chess Federation, membership which entitles each student to play in federation rated chess tournaments.The Texas State Champions, US Class Champions and Level -1 instructors, teaching novice to advanced classes tactics and strategies for winning chess. Open to novice beginners and advanced players, at the 8501 Howard Dr. Houston, TX 77017. USCF certified chess coaches, Experts, Advisers and Masters. Our chess resources and student successes are unparalleled.

Local, State, National and Global Chess Tournaments

Students are prepared for competition at the local, state, national and world -wide tournament level. TCA, The Chess Academy has the #1 ranked state player, Karthik Ramachandran and one of the top 100 players in the World, Timur Gareev as advisers & coaches.

Local Tournaments

students compete in chess tournaments all over the world in competitions to better themselves as players and persons. Correspondence classes are taught via, Skype or online. Quite often masters and grand masters give advice lectures or simul. Contact us at for scheduling individual classes, tutoring or simply to test your level of skill.

Never Too Young

The Chess Academy trains students in the art of chess the world over from Dubai, to Singapore, to Ghana West Africa, Lagos Nigeria and beyond. Educating students of the marvels of this ancient game of chess as far away as Dubai of the United Arab Emirates and locally in the U. S.

Never Too Old

Students of The Chess Academy range from 5 - 85 years. One is never too young to learn as our skilled chess masters are artisans in the art of educating.


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